The Fondation appoints a New Executive Director.


After two years of procedures, the Fondation des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique obtained charitable status in June 2017.


An application to register a charity under the Income Tax Act is filed with the Charities Directorate of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).


At the September Annual General Meeting, members unanimously agree “that the Foundation has the authority to take all necessary steps, pursuant to the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, SC2009, C23, to transform into a community foundation.


The Foundation adopts new bylaws under the new Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act with a board of directors composed of seven people elected by the members.


A working committee is formed to clarify the implications of obtaining charitable status before proceeding with the Canada Revenue Agency. We subsequently withdraw our efforts to become a registered charity with the ability to issue tax-deductible receipts. In addition, in 2012, the Canadian Not-for-Profit Corporations Act establishes new rules and the Foundation must make changes before October 17, 2014.


In 2008, the Foundation celebrates its 10th anniversary and we decide to implement a 2009-14 strategic plan. We want to make the Foundation a community foundation following discussions with representatives of the Fondation franco-albertaine.


In 2004, the Foundation decides to hold a banquet during the Rendez-vous des Présidents et Présidentes of the Fédération des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique to generate funds. The Foundation collects upwards of $10,000.


In 2001, the Foundation adopted a three-year plan. We acquired a corporate image with a new logo and a promotional brochure to make ourselves known in the community. We then consider setting up fundraising activities.


Having received a $400,000 endowment from Canadian Heritage in April 1996 when the first Canada-Community Agreement was signed in British Columbia, the Federation manages the fund until a Foundation is established.

As a not-for-profit organization under the Canada Corporations Act incorporated in 1998, the Fondation des francophones de la Colombie-Britannique holds its founding meeting on November 21, 1999.

The mission of the Foundation is to: promote the interests of Francophones and maintain their cultural heritage; bring together Francophone organizations and other organizations that promote the vision and objectives of the Foundation; encourage and support organizations that contribute in promoting the vision and objectives of society; fund, facilitate and promote projects and initiatives of the Francophonie in BC; receive donations; and carry out our activities and exercise all the powers necessary for the realization and promotion of the objectives of the Foundation.